Questions to Ask a Dermatologist in Northern Virginia

by in Dermatology June 29, 2022

During your appointment with a dermatologist in Northern Virginia, it is important to have a good idea of what you want to discuss. This includes any concerns you want to address, as well as general questions about your skin health. Here are some questions to ask a dermatologist in Northern Virginia

How often should I see a dermatologist?

dermatologist Northern Virginia

Did you know that skin cancer affects one in every five Americans? Scheduling an annual check up with your dermatologist is an important step in preventing skin cancer and detecting it early.

During your screening, the dermatologist will conduct an exam to identify any unusual or abnormal bumps, moles, or marks on the skin. Furthermore, he/she can explain how to perform self-exams between visits.

Have there been any changes to my previous sunspots, moles, etc.?

You should make sure that your previous moles or sunspots have not enlarged or changed. If you notice any blemishes have changed, or a new one has appeared, you should speak to your dermatologist about it.

What is causing my acne?

Acne can be due to many different things. Stress, diet, hormonal changes, physical activities, and products can all cause acne flare ups.

How can I treat my acne?

Depending on the type of acne you are struggling with, your dermatologist can discuss treatment options with you. This can include prescription products, changes to your daily routine or medical treatments. A dermatologist in Northern Virginia can help you makes changes to your diet, skincare routine and daily habits that can help you improve acne and overall skin health.

How often should I exfoliate?

Exfoliating is an important part of keeping your skin healthy. This can be done with a variety of at home regimes, but your dermatologist can give the best recommendations for your skin type.

Questions for a Dermatologist in Northern Virginia

Seeing a dermatologist in Northern Virginia is a crucial part of keeping your skin happy and healthy. To learn more, please contact Reston Dermatology and Cosmetic Center today.

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