Prolotherapy with PRP

by in PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) May 17, 2019

Although it is mostly known for pain relief to the back, prolotherapy can also help with the treatment of acne scars.

Prolotherapy not only improves healing, but it also regenerates cells as well.

Patients are expected to see a quick turn around in terms of results from the treatment. Within just a few days of their first appointment, patients have noticed improvements.

Platelet Rich Plasma–or PRP–has been successfully used as a formula in prolotherapy treatments for nearly 15 years. The combined approach of PRP and prolotherapy has been shown to be effective for patients with injuries–old and new–and those looking to heal scars.

Platelet Rich Plasma (Prp) – Using Your Own Cells to Repair Your Body

Blood consists of both red and white blood cells. It also has plasma and platelets as well. Each one of them have their own functions that they take care of within the body.

Plasma for example has a main function to transport cells. Platelet on the other hand creates new connective tissue, stops excess blood from flowing and can help restore blood circulation throughout the body. With platelet rich plasma treatment it uses a patients very own blood to help restore their cells.

Treatments are used to cure various issues of patients such as chronic non-healing wounds, joint pain, muscle pain and musculoskeletal injuries as well. Another benefit to patients is that this procedure is non invasive.

Patients that suffer from other issues such as acne scars, stretch marks, wrinkles, burn scars etc. can turn to this treatment for help.

Platelet rich plasma can help revitalize the skin. It is even possible for patients that have hair loss to reduce that process and rejuvenate the hair follicles.

If you’re interested in scheduling an appointment for Platelet Rich Plasma, contact Reston Dermatology today.

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