How to Find a Qualified Dermatologist in Northern VA

by in Dermatology December 23, 2020

The process of finding a qualified dermatologist in Northern VA can be simple if you know what to look for.

The first thing you need to be aware of is the difference between an MD and a DO.

What Is an MD?

An MD is a physician who is considered to be a Doctor of Medicine.

To receive this title, they must have trained in all areas of medicine and generally choose a field to specialize in such as dermatology.

An MD will have completed four years of medical school, a residency program and have taken and passed their Medical Licensing Exam.

What Is a DO?

DO stands for a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine.

A DO is a physician who has been trained to practice in all medical areas and chosen a specialty as well.

The main distinction between an MD and a DO is that a DO is concentrated on the entire body when determining treatment options.

Some of the main areas where a DO focuses on is how the nerves, muscles and bones can be the main causes for diseases and other health concerns.

Similar to an MD, a DO must complete four years of medical school, a residency program and pass a Comprehensive Medical Licensing Examination.

Holistic Healing

When you work with a DO for your dermatology needs they are focused on a holistic approach to healing your concerns.

This includes looking deeper than just the skin to find the best treatment options to address your issues from the inside out.

Find a Dermatologist in Northern VA

At Reston Dermatology + Cosmetic Center we are a holistic, integrated dermatology practice. 

We are Board Certified Dermatologists and Physician Assistants offering comprehensive general and cosmetic dermatology solutions by expanding our focus to include whole-body issues that can impact your skin.

To learn more about the services we offer visit our website today or call us to schedule a consultation at (703)775-2190.

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