
Holistic medicine assesses every aspect of the individual and seeks to treat the underlying causes of issues with the least invasive option first. It also identifies and analyzes all potential sources of inflammation and evaluates how they may impact the body’s ability to deal with antigens that ignite inflammatory processes.

Continue reading to learn all about holistic medicine and how it can help alleviate symptoms and skin issues from the inside out.

Diet and Nutrition

Holistic medicine takes a closer look at the person’s diet and nutrition and determines what changes may reduce inflammation and provide symptomatic relief. More specifically, positive dietary and nutritional changes are meant to:

  • Removing antigenic foods
  • Improve insulin balance
  • Improve microbiome
  • Reinstruct the gut immune system

Nutritional supplements may also be recommended in order to:

  • Improve digestion
  • Support the removal of toxic substances
  • Aid hormonal function
  • Counteract genetic defects of metabolism

It’s important to note that when making dietary and nutritional changes, the provider must also consider psychologic, emotional, or spiritual approaches to modify patient behavior and patterns.

Environmental Agents

Holistic medicine also examines the patient’s exposure to environmental agents and how they may contribute to the individual’s skin issues. These include:

  • Pesticides
  • Preservatives
  • Flavoring agents
  • Natural extracts
  • Petrochemical products
  • Heavy metals
  • Sugar consumption

Reston Dermatology + Cosmetic Center Approach

We practice both allopathic and holistic/integrative/functional medicine to treat the causes of illness and skin diseases.

In 15 years of practice, many patients have benefited from this broader perspective. We educate our patients on the different choices enabling them to choose the best possible path to alleviate their suffering.

What is Holistic Dermatology?

In holistic dermatology, it is essential to understand the factors at play prior to the onset of symptoms or re-exacerbation of an existing condition. This includes evaluating the patient’s diet, nutrition, exposure to environmental agents, and response to therapies in the past. The more information we can ascertain about the healing system, the better equipped we are to successfully address each mechanism involved in the individual’s symptoms and condition.

Holistic Dermatology Therapies

Because holistic dermatology takes a multifaceted approach to healing and skin health, it considers more than just physiology and immunology of the skin. In fact, it assesses the individual as a whole to provide the most comprehensive evaluation and therapeutic recommendations.

Example 1.

A young girl with eczema who had been seen by three other dermatologists. They each prescribed a topical steroid which did not resolve her issue but in fact, exacerbated the condition because she developed an allergy to the steroid itself. I instructed the mother to eliminate dairy from the child’s diet. Three weeks later, the mother reported the eczema had resolved. The ecstatic mom was grateful.

Example 2.

We approach rosacea by considering the body’s histamine response to inflammation. An allopathic plus holistic, integrative plan could include a laser recommendation, possible antibiotics, plus a discussion to reduce inflammation in the body with a food elimination diet and supplements. While antibiotics absolutely have their place in treatment, we keep the gut microbiome and immune system in mind when prescribing them. We have many satisfied rosacea patients.

Holistic Education

As part of the holistic picture, we use my dermatology education to diagnose skin conditions and, wherever appropriate, we look outside our specialty for possible causes and treatments of the skin conditions.

We consider the impact of diet and lifestyle, as well as the connections between physical and mental health. This may entail discussions about food sensitivities, vitamins, and hormone levels, sleep issues, anti-aging nutrition, and evidence-based natural solutions.

Further, when appropriate, We refer patients to specialists for full evaluation of all other systems that can contribute to their skin conditions.

Holistic Acne Treatments

What you may not know is that there are many acne-focused holistic treatments that can really make a difference when it comes to changing your skin from within whether it is hormonal acne, menopausal acne or body acne.

Change Your Diet

You may have heard the old saying “you are what you eat” and while this isn’t exactly fact, what you eat really can have an effect on your skin.

If you are serious about getting rid of your acne you may consider a change in your diet.

Subtract the Sugar

Foods with a higher glycemic index can really take a toll on your skin as they cause fluctuations in your blood sugar levels.

Removing sugary food and drinks from your diet are a great first step towards improving your acne symptoms.

Ditch the Dairy

Some theorize that dairy and its effect on your insulin and hormones can aid in the development of acne symptoms.

Talk to us about how dairy might be impacting your acne and see if  removing it from your diet could help.

Go Green

An anti-inflammatory rich diet is what we also recommend for acne prone skin and for general health.

Vegetables, fruits, and whole food are a great start towards healthier skin.

Additionally, omega-3 fat sources such as fish is always a welcomed addition to a healthy diet.


Supplements are another great addition to your diet to help your skin return to its acne free destination.

We carry many dietary supplements which can help you fight the symptoms of acne.

At Reston Dermatology we understand the holistic treatment of acne and our staff of professionals is here to help you discover the skin you’ve been hoping for.

Learn More About Holistic Dermatology

If you would like additional information about holistic dermatology, please call our office today to schedule a comprehensive consultation with one of our highly skilled and talented providers.

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