Best Dermatologist MedSpa Near Me
From dermatology treatments to MedSpa procedures, a dermatologist MedSpa near me offers the best of both worlds. Many people wonder if they should visit a dermatologist or a MedSpa. We say, why choose? Visit Reston Dermatology and Cosmetic Center to see what its all about.
Dermatologist vs. MedSpa
What’s the difference? Truthfully, there is a big difference between getting treatments at a MedSpa and a dermatologist office. And it is important to understand the differences and make the right decision for your skin. So, here’s something to consider.
Board Certified Dermatologist 
A board-certified dermatologist, at a minimum, has:
- Completed 12 years of training
- 4 years of college
- another 4 years of medical school
- and then 4 years of dermatology residency
- Passed rigorous annual exams
- Made a commitment to continue their education and stay up to date on the latest advancements in dermatology.
Furthermore, most dermatologists choose to complete an additionally year, or more, or fellowship to gain further knowledge in specialty areas like laser surgery, skin cancer, and cosmetic surgery.
What is a MedSpa?
A medical spa is a facility that offers traditional spa experiences like facials, chemical peels, and dermaplaning. However, it also offers treatments that you would find in a medical facility, such as injections and laser treatments. The services offered will vary greatly depending on the state. Med spas are supervised by a medical specialist, usually a health care provider with a MD or RN degree.
Why It Matters
It matters because even though some treatments are lauded as being non-invasive or minimally invasive, there can still be serious risks if the procedure is performed incorrectly. While there is no one-size-fits-all approach to cosmetic procedures, its better to have a dermatologist handling your skincare needs. You need someone with experience providing personalized treatments based on your skin condition, skin type and desired goals.
Dermatologist MedSpa Near Me
When it comes to your skin and your health, its better to be safe than sorry. A dermatologist MedSpa near me can give you all the cosmetic treatments you desire with the experience and knowledge of a board-certified dermatologist. Contact Reston Dermatology and Cosmetic Center today to learn more.