Dermatology Skincare Line: Tips for Healthy Skin

by in Skincare January 27, 2021

It’s a new year and it’s the perfect time to upgrade your skincare. If you don’t have a routine, it’s time to get one.

Maybe you have a regular routine but need to add some things. Let’s look at skincare routines and which dermatology skincare line is right for you.


Getting healthier, losing weight, saving money etc. You have probably seen any number of resolutions. But skincare is often overlooked.

Why? Understanding your skin and taking care of it correctly offers many benefits besides just looking great. You can even detect skin cancer early if you understand your skin and notice when changes occur.


The most important thing is to have SMART goals. Often, resolutions are easy to forget and we end up not sticking to it.

However, if you create a goal that is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely you stand a much better chance of reaching your goals. Creating a SMART goal lets you accurately track your progress and stick to your goals when things get difficult.

Where to Start

dermatology skincare

If you don’t know where to begin, or what your skin needs, don’t stress about it. Here is a list of realistic, specific goals to help you get started.

  • SPF Every Day. You have heard it before but protecting your skin from sun damage is very important. Wear SPF every day, not just when it’s sunny.
  • Drink Water. Your water intake is what keeps you hydrated, and it has a big impact on the health of your skin.
  • Remove Make-up. It may be easier to just fall asleep with your make-up on but don’t. Always remove your make-up every night. Make it part of your routine. Sleeping in make-up clogs your pores, makes acne worse and can even cause eye infections.
  • Wash Your Face. Be consistent with your face-washing. This will help your skin stay clean and healthy. It’s best to wash twice a day, but don’t overdo it. One in the morning and once a night with a gently cleanser is a great place to start.
  • Take Care of ALL Your Skin. When it comes to skincare, sometimes we forget that our whole body needs care, not just our face. So, don’t forget to keep ALL your skin healthy and hydrated. If you have sensitive skin you can opt for a fragrance-free, gently product like Aquaphor or CeraVe.
  • Dermatologist Visit. It can be hard to find time to see the doctor, but an annual dermatologist visit is important. A board-certified dermatologist can help you reach your skincare goals, but they can also help with common skin conditions, hair, and nails as well. Furthermore, it’s important to have an annual skin check to screen for skin cancer.
  • Treat Yourself. Our last bit of advice is to treat yourself. If there is a product or skincare treatment you have always wanted to try, make it a priority in 2021. Get that facial you have been waiting for.

Dermatology Skincare Line

There is no better time to take better care of your skin!

If you are interested in learning more about the many skincare treatments and products available to help you look your best, please contact Reston Dermatology today! 

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