4 Questions to Ask to Find the Best Dermatologist

by in Dermatology October 31, 2019

When it comes to our skin it goes without saying that we would like to seek the services of the best dermatologist available.

Below are four question to ask when looking for the best dermatologist in your area.

How Long Are Your Appointments?

The answer to this question should be that it depends on the patient and that the doctor takes the careful time to spend as much time as necessary with you.

Today it has become an all too familiar pattern in doctors’ offices that they have a scheduled amount of time per each patient.

You want to be sure that you doctor is willing to take the time to listen to your issues, explain a treatment plan, and answer any and all questions you may have.

Do You Promote Specific Brands or Products, Why?

When asking this question, it is important to understand that while some doctors have favorite brands that they support because they believe in the brand, others may be supporting for financial gains.

If you ever walk in to an office and get the feeling that they are spending a lot of energy on selling you a product or treatment that don’t specifically correlate to your issue, this is a red flag.

Do You Provide Product Samples?

A great dermatologist knows that every person’s skin is different.

Samples are a great way to give different treatment plans a test run.

If your doctor is unwilling to let you sample a product they may be more interested in turning a profit than actually treating your concerns

Do You Have an After Hours Line?

When an emergency comes up you want to be sure that your doctor has a plan set in place to address your concerns immediately.

Any reputable office should have this feature available to you in some form.

Best Dermatologist in Loudon County

Reston Dermatology has long established itself as a best dermatology office in Loudon County. To schedule a consultation, call today. (703)766-2220.

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