Emsella Chair Near Me | Incontinence Treatment
Urinary incontinence can be embarrassing and uncomfortable. With an Emsella chair near me, you can say goodbye to incontinence and hello to freedom! The revolutionary Emsella chair is a breakthrough treatment that strengthens the pelvic floor and improves intimate health.
Urinary Incontinence
Urinary incontinence is the involuntary leakage of urine. There are three types of urinary incontinence. These include:
- Urge Incontinence. The sudden intense urge to urinate frequently.
- Stress Incontinence. Occurs when pressure on the bladder causes leakage. This can be caused from sneezing, laughing, coughing, or exercising.
- Mixed Incontinence. A combination of stress and urge incontinence.
Causes of Urinary Incontinence
There are several causes of urinary incontinence in both men and women. Often is due to weak pelvic floor muscles, this can be due to age, genetics, pregnancy, menopause, vaginal delivery and more.
Emsella Chair Near Me
Emsella chair uses electromagnetic energy to create thousands of supramaximal pelvic floor muscle contractions. These contractions force the body to repair and rebuild the muscles, making them stronger. Emsella strengthens the pelvis floor, tightening the vaginal wall and rebuilding the tissues that support pelvic organs. This action leads to a decrease in urge and stress incontinence, better urine retention, and as a bonus, increased sexual satisfaction.
There have been 5 clinical studies published on the Emsella chair. They show that 95% of patients report an improved quality of life after Emsella treatment. Furthermore, patients experienced a 75% pad reduction on average. Emsella chair is a great option for men and women looking for a solution to their incontinence.
During Treatment
Most people need around 6 sessions, scheduled twice a week. Typically, a session takes about 30 minutes. You will remain fully clothes during your treatment. You will sit on the Emsella chair (AKA the Kegel Throne). The device will stimulate thousands of pelvic floor muscle contractions. You may feel a tingling sensation during the treatment.
After Treatment
Many patients see improvement after a single session but results typically improve over a few weeks. Since this treatment is completely non-invasive, there is no down time required. You can resume normal activities immediately after Emsella.
Emsella Chair Near Me FAQ
What causes urinary incontinence?
Stress urinary incontinence is due to poorly functioning weak pelvic floor muscles. When these muscles no longer support the bladder correctly, incontinence occurs. Weakness or injury to the pelvic floor may be caused by obesity, childbirth, heavy lifting, high-impact exercise, chronic constipation or age.
What is EMSELLA Chair Near Me?
The Emsella chair is non-invasive, non-embarrassing treatment for stress urinary incontinence, urge urinary incontinence, and mixed urinary incontinence. It is an FDA approved treatment that strengthens the pelvic floor, tightens the walls of the vagina, and decreases urinary incontinence. Many patients also experience an increase in sexual satisfaction as a result of a stronger pelvic floor.
Am I a Good Candidate? 
The Emsella chair is FDA approved for men and women of any age who experience stress, urge, or mixed urinary incontinence. Patients with metal devices, including copper IUDs, artificial hip joints, and pacemakers are not able to receive Emsella treatments.
Does Emsella Hurt?
No. Some patients report a tingling sensation during the treatment but there is no pain or discomfort and no need for sedation or anesthesia. In fact, many patients choose to read, listen to music, or relax during the procedure.
How Many Treatments Do I Need?
For optimal results, patients need a series of 6 treatments. Two treatments are completed each week for a duration of three consecutive weeks. After the first series, some patients may choose to have maintenance treatments every 1-6 months depending on the severity of their urinary incontinence.
How Long is the Recovery?
There is no downtime or recovery needed! You can resume normal daily activities immediately after your treatment.
How Do I Prepare for Emsella Chair Near Me?
On the day of your treatment, wear comfortable clothing with no metal buttons or zippers. You will also need to remove any metal jewelry or accessories. Then you just sit on the chair fully clothed for around 30 minutes.
What Results Can I Expect?
You may notice results after your first treatment, but it takes a whole series to achieve optimal results.
Best Doctor for Emsella Chair Near Me Reston Virginia
If you are tired of struggling with urinary incontinence, try Emsella. With a stronger pelvic floor, you can regain control over your bladder and take back your confidence! Contact Reston Dermatology today to learn more.