Fall is Laser Season! Try BBL HERO This Fall
Fall is laser season. It is the best time of the year to have laser treatments. Truthfully, there are A LOT of laser treatments on the market that promise to transform your skin. However, few can deliver on that promise. BBL Hero is one of the few. This laser resurfacing treatment can give you softer, clearer, smoother skin. Here’s why you should try BBL Hero this fall.
Why is Fall Laser Season?
While fall is well known for pumpkin spice everything, it is also laser season. Why? Because, during the colder months we are less likely to expose our skin to the sun. A requirement of most laser treatments is that you avoid sun exposure before and after treatment. This is because treated areas are more sensitive and susceptible to UV damage.
How is BBL Hero Different? 
There are a few key differences between BBL Hero and the other BBL treatments on the market. First, it can treat your entire body. The treatment is also four times faster than regular BBL. Furthermore, it also has three times the power of regular BBL, and it is more comfortable than IPL and BBL.
Head to Toe Treatment
The main goal of BBL Hero is the reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation, like sun damage, age spots, redness and more while improving the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and dull skin. This treatment uses IPL wavelengths, but it emits them at a higher rate than other BBL treatments. Meaning, it is one of the most efficient BBL treatments available. Furthermore, it can treat you head to toe in just 30 minutes. talk about convenient! It can fit even the busiest of schedules.
Is BBL Hero Right for Me
This treatment is designed to work on most skin types and tones. Even people with darker skin can see results from BBL Hero. BBL Hero laser treatment works best for patients who want to treat:
- Rosacea
- Sun damage
- Redness
- Hyperpigmentation
- Acne scarring
- Wrinkles and fine lines
- Dull or uneven skin tone
- Rough or dry skin texture
- And more
Try BBL Hero this Laser Season
To learn more about this safe, effective laser treatment, contact Reston Dermatology and Cosmetic Center today! Remember, fall is the perfect time to have laser treatment. Schedule your appointment now.