Can I Get Emsculpt for Cellulite in Reston?

by in Cellulite, Emsculpt NEO July 12, 2024

Over 90% of women and a substantial portion of men have cellulite. So, you aren’t alone in wondering “can I get Emsculpt for cellulite?.” Fortunately, our office in Reston can help you reduce the appearance of your cellulite. Here’s how.

Emsculpt NEO for Cellulite

Emsculpt is a cutting-edge, non-invasive body contouring option. It utilizes a powerful dual-action technology to simultaneously build muscle and burn fat.

But cellulite isn’t just fat, so it’s important to understand what causes it to determine how it should be treated.

What Causes Cellulite?

Essentially, cellulite is caused by fibrous cords that tether the skin to the underlying muscle. When fat deposits between the skin and muscle grow, these cords pull down while fat pushes upward. This creates the uneven surface we associate with cellulite.

Can Emsculpt Fix Cellulite?

Can I Get Emsculpt for Cellulite in Reston?

Emsculpt uses a combination of radiofrequency and high intensity focused electromagnet energy to destroy fat and provoke supramaximal contractions. This enhances muscle definition and melts away fat while improving skin texture and elasticity.

It works by targeting the treatment area with RF energy. This energy heats the skin and underlying fatty tissue. The heat increases collagen and elastin production, tightens the skin, and encourages fat metabolism.

Simultaneously, the HIFEM technology creates supramaximal muscle contracts to strengthen muscle fibers and increase muscle density. This gives you a toned, more sculpted appearance.

[Related: Top Benefits of EmSculpt NEO]

Results of Emsculpt Cellulite Treatment

This is an effective way to treat the underlying factors of cellulite. Firming and strengthening the muscles underneath the cellulite gives skin a more even, smoother appearance. Additionally, reducing fat and tightening the skin reduces the overall appearance of cellulite.

Can I Get Emsculpt for Cellulite in Reston Virginia?

Absolutely, and we can help. Emsculpt Neo is a highly effective treatment for cellulite. If you are interested in learning more about this treatment, please contact Reston Dermatology and Cosmetic Center to schedule an appointment with our specialists.

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