Top Reasons to Treat Acne Early in Reston Virginia

by in Acne July 22, 2024

If your teen or pre-teen is struggling with acne, its important to treat it early. You may be tempted to let it run its course, but here are the top science backed reasons to treat acne early. Our clinic in Reston Virginia can help you find the best acne treatment for your teen and create a customized skincare routine for them.

Faster Results

No matter when you start, acne treatment takes times. However, starting early means you get faster results. It takes much less time to clear a few pimples than it does a mix of breakouts that could included blackheads, acne cysts, and whiteheads.

Preventing Acne from Worsening

Treating acne early, when its mild, can help prevent it from progressing to widespread blackheads, whiteheads, and deep, painful acne. Your teen will thank you!

Reduces Scars

Unfortunately, acne can leave scars. Generally, the more severe the breakout, the greater the risk of scarring. However, treating acne early may help prevent scarring. You should also stress to your teen the importance of NOT picking at the skin. This increases the risk of scars developing.

Lingering Spots

If your teen has medium-to-dark pigmented skin, they may notice dark spots appear when a pimple, cyst, or nodule clears. This is known as post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. People with lighter complexions may see a red spot where acne once was. These spots can linger for months and cause issues with self-esteem. Starting acne treatment early can help prevent these lingering spots from developing.

Simpler Treatment

Treat Acne Early in Reston Virginia

When acne becomes severe, strong medication is often needed to clear it up. These medicines are more likely to cause possible side effects and require close monitoring, meaning more trips to your dermatologist. However, early treatment decreases the likelihood of needing stronger medication.

Avoids Years of Acne

Acne can begin at a very young age, even as early as 7-12. Treating these acne breakouts early and keeping it under control prevents future breakouts. That adds up to a significant number of years without acne.

Avoiding Emotional Distress

Acne is more than just a breakout. Studies have repeatedly shown that acne has a substantial impact on one’s psyche. Many patients report lower self-esteem after developing acne. Patients may even withdraw, avoid seeing friends and stop building relationships with people. In fact, some studies have also shown that acne leads to depression. On the other hand, other studies have shown that treating acne can alleviate these feelings.

Dos and Don’ts of Acne Treatment

It can seem like everyone, and their mother has a recommendation for how to clear your breakout. But some of these habits can actually worsen your acne. Here are the dos and don’ts of acne.


  • Try a new acne treatment every week.
  • Apply acne medication only to your blemishes.
  • Use makeup, skin care products, or hair products that cause acne.
  • Share makeup, brushes, or applicators with others.
  • Sleep in your makeup.
  • Wash your face throughout the day.
  • Dry out your skin.
  • Over exfoliate your skin.
  • Pop or squeeze pimples.


  • Give your acne treatment time to work. 6-8 weeks is needed to see improvement.
  • Spread a thin layer of medication over all your acne prone skin.
  • Only use makeup, sunscreen, skin, and hair products that are labeled non-comedogenic or “won’t clog pores.”
  • Remove your makeup before bed.
  • Wash your face twice a day, in the morning and at night. You can also wash your face after an activity that makes you sweat.
  • Use your acne treatments as directed and avoid using astringents, rubbing alcohol, or other products that can dry out your skin.
  • Gently wash your face. Don’t scrub or exfoliate harshly.
  • Resist the temptation to pop, squeeze or pick at your skin. This can cause scarring and more inflammation.


Best Dermatologist to Treat Acne Early in Reston Virginia

If you are unsure what the best treatment is for your teen or pre-teen, schedule a consultation. We can do a comprehensive exam, find the root cause of the acne, and begin treatment to clear the breakup. Additionally, we can create a tailored skincare routine to help avoid future breakouts. Contact Reston Dermatology and Cosmetic Center today.


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